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Wireless charging on the go: The future of electric vehicles without plugs

Wireless charging on the go: The future of electric vehicles without plugs

Imagine a world where electric vehicles are charged while they circulate, without the need to stop or plug into a charging point. Although it sounds futuristic, this technology is already in development and could completely revolutionize electric mobility.

How does wireless charging work in motion?

The idea is similar to wireless charging of mobile phones, but on a large scale. Electromagnetic coils are installed under the road that generate an electric field, and vehicles equipped with receivers can charge their battery in real time while driving.

Advantages of this technology
  • Goodbye to anxiety about autonomy: Electric cars could travel long distances without worrying about finding a charging point.
  • Fewer batteries, more efficiency: If cars are constantly charging, they won’t need huge batteries, which reduces people and manufacturing costs.
  • Load without interruptions: Public transport fleets, trucks and taxis could operate without having to stop to load.
Projects in progress

This technology is not just a concept. There are already pilot projects in various parts of the world:

  • Italy: The “Arena of the Future” highway is testing a dynamic loading system on a 1km stretch.
  • The United States: In Michigan, the first road with wireless charging for electric vehicles is being developed.
  • Sweden: They have implemented electrified roads that allow moving cargo through rails on the ground.
When will it be a reality?

Although there are still challenges, such as the cost of implementation and the standardisation of technology, experts estimate that in 10-15 years we could see the first large-scale electrified roads.

What does this mean for the charging infrastructure?

If this technology is massively adopted, fixed charging points could evolve towards wireless systems in parking lots and roads, completely transforming the current model of electric vehicle charging.

At Proelectric, we closely follow these advances to offer solutions aligned with the future of mobility.